Padme, Susan and Teela progress…

EXACTLY what is left to do:

-Fix back of necklace (est time: 5 minutes)
-Cut excess off sleeves in back (est time: 1 min)
-Attach brooch in back (est time: 2 min)
-Finish attaching piping (est time: rest of tonight – it’s taking forever!)
-Press top jacket (est time: who cares?)
-Finish gloves (est time: 10 min)

-Put in snaps on front
-Sew on the bottom hangey part
-Fix collar
-Alter leotard a bit
-Finish prop

-Finishing painting prop. Will be finished tonight.

-Fix Ruby Heart hat
-Find Ruby Heart bra

I actually finished the Amidala wig last night. It’s going to be damn uncomfortable, and I’ll need about 200 bobbie pins, lol.
I did finish fixing my Asuka backpack last night. it rules now.
The Ruby Heart bra… lol my magic bra. I have it marked out on my list of stuff that is going, which means I’ve packed it… but I can’t find it and I forgot the straps (they’re sitting on my scanner).
Gotta find that or Ruby Heart will look awfully flat XD